History of Tattoos and origins of the world's first tattoo

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History of Tattoos and origins of the world's first tattoo - Did you know that the art of tattooing that exist in this world comes from the tribe of Mentawai, Indonesia? Yes, The Mentawai tribe has a tattoo on their body since the beginning of their arrival on the west coast of Sumatra, in the Age of Metal, in the year 1500 BC-500 BC. From this fact the Mentawai tribe tattoo is the oldest in the world, not the Egyptian tattoos, like as mentioned in several books. Mentawai people call tattoos seabgai sedniri Titi, while the term tattoocomes from the word tatau in tahiti which means "signifies something".

Mentawai tattoo tribal tattoo it can be said to be the oldest in the world, yet not necessarily mean that all the tattoo designs in the world is derived from all the Mentawai islands, such as the Dayak tribe of Borneo and Apache tribes in America, they also have been tattooing the body since the first . 

Both the Apache tribe, Dayak, and Mentawai, they have their own characteristics khas in tattoo art, such as the Mentawai tattoo that has a characteristic curve. This could indicate that the old tribes have their own culture in terms of the tattoo, because tattoo art itself is quite complex meanings and forms